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About I.S.A

I.S.A. とは


I.S.A (日本国際学生協会) は1934年に母団体が発足した伝統ある学生団体です。日本各地の学生達が各々の学校の枠にとらわれず、国内外が抱える問題の研究や国際学生会議、外国学生との学生交換プログラムなどを通じ国際的な相互理解を推進している学生団体です。


What's I.S.A.?


International Student Association is a traditional student association whose mother organization was inaugurated in 1934. 

 It is the student association in whom the students of Japanese every place lead research of the problem which in and outside the country has, an international student meeting, a student exchange program with a foreign student, etc. regardless of the frame of each school, and are promoting the international mutual understanding. 





I.S.A.の理念とは、他国との文化交流や対話を通じて相互理解を深めることで国家、人種、信条を始め、あらゆる垣根を越えてお互いにより深い絆を築くこと。 そして幅広い視野をもって各国間、ひいては世界全体に存在する敵対心と誤解を消去し国際的相互理解を深め、世界平和に貢献することです。


「The contribution to global peace achievement」


 Our idea should be deepening a mutual understanding through cultural exchanges and a dialog with a foreign country, and begin a state, a race, and a principle and build mutual more deep bonds across all fences. And having a broad view, eliminating the hostile sentiments and misunderstanding which exist between each country and by extension, in the entire world, and deepening an international mutual understanding for global peace.









All management is performed only by the students, and about 20 universities and about 550 members are on the register as of 2015. A branch exists in Japanese every place and it consists of 6 branch organization of Tokyo, Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, Okayama, Kyushu and  Nagoya. And the national training camp to which members all I.S.A. members meet with all the persons concerned is performed twice a year.


About I.S.A

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